小樱 发表于 2021/7/31 21:34

Linux centos7系统执行yum跳出Exiting on user cancel解决办法,总是被Killed,内存不足杀死进程,无法启动锐速tcp加速,kvm虚拟化动态内存超售(HugePages)

Linux centos7系统执行yum跳出Exiting on user cancel解决办法,总是被Killed,内存不足杀死进程,无法启动锐速tcp加速,kvm虚拟化动态内存超售(HugePages)

@test ~]# dmesg | grep 'Out of memory'
Out of memory: Kill process 1284 (yum) score 7 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 834 (tuned) score 4 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1145 (kangle) score 3 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 833 (mysqld) score 1 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 491 (polkitd) score 1 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1133 (cdnbest) score 1 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 561 (NetworkManager) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 562 (gmain) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1216 (sshd) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1216 (sshd) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1396 (lotServer.sh) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1112 (rsyslogd) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1149 (in:imjournal) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1432 (systemd-udevd) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1431 (systemd-udevd) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1142 (kangle) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1118 (crond) score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1425 (acce- score 0 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1539 (yum) score 5 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1540 (yum) score 7 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1540 (yum) score 7 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1540 (yum) score 7 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1649 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1656 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1656 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1656 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1661 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
Out of memory: Kill process 1667 (yum) score 6 or sacrifice child
[ 1000.197305] Out of memory: Kill process 1667 (yum) score 12 or sacrifice child


服务器总是执行不了yum跳出Exiting on user cancel,开机就自动用尽了内存,在尝试增加swap

rmmod virtio_balloon



最后发现是内核开启了HugePages 2M这个东西,导致了大量的内存占用
cat /proc/meminfo | grep Huge

# cat /proc/meminfo | grep Huge
AnonHugePages:         0 kB
HugePages_Total:   198
HugePages_Free:      190
HugePages_Rsvd:      0
HugePages_Surp:      0
Hugepagesize:       2048 kB

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

sed -i '/^vm\.nr_hugepages=/'d /etc/sysctl.conf

cat /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages

sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=0

某Linux系统安装脚本判断hugepages开启有BUG,导致小内存机器也强行打开2.5G hugepages,导致服务器内核崩溃无法启用开机
if [[ $(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') > 3500000 ]]; then
    echo "[*] Enabling huge pages"
        echo "[*] 启用 huge pages"
    echo "vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc)))" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc)))

if [[ $(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') -gt 3500000 ]]; then
    echo "[*] Enabling huge pages"
        echo "[*] 启用 huge pages"
    echo "vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc)))" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc)))


不可名 发表于 2021/8/28 04:10

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查看完整版本: Linux centos7系统执行yum跳出Exiting on user cancel解决办法,总是被Killed,内存不足杀死进程,无法启动锐速tcp加速,kvm虚拟化动态内存超售(HugePages)