近年来Joanna持续不断的发表新作,一张张充满奇幻、异想的创作作品以及翻唱专辑,包括跨海日本与台湾发表的The Adventures Of Bernie The Schoolboy(博尼的大冒险)、The Things We Do For Love(为爱做的一切)、GALAXY CRISIS : The Strangest Midnight Broadcast(银河的危机),时而让人怀旧满溢、时而处处惊喜Joanna女伶般的嗓音变化风姿万千。2013年度Joanna带着出道以来首首脍炙人口的好歌,首度举办「 Midnight Imaginarium - Joanna的幻像馆」巡回演唱会,歌声遍布上海、深圳、广州,在上万人场地举行的演唱会串场的VCR以及全新挑选的翻唱曲目中,Joanna已经稍稍透露出全新专辑的雏形样貌...
01.Alice in Wonderland
02.被遗忘的时光(Forgotten Times)
03.追梦人(The Dream Chaser)
04.玫瑰香(The Scent of Roses)
05.夜上海(Night Shanghai)
06.Moon River
07.Pure Imagination
08.当年情(Love from Once Upon a Time)
09.花样年华(In the Mood for Love)
10.What is a Youth
11.You Only Live Twice
12.今宵多珍重(This Precious Night)
13.If I Had Words